Hello, I’m Chris – a British Canadian guy currently living in Canada with an incredibly confused accent. I have a wife and three children whose names I definitely remember until it comes time to actually use any of them at which point they invariably just get called “you”.

I currently work in the healthcare industry but prior to that sacrificed way too many (10) years of my life working in a retail management career in the mobile technology industry. Use some kind of gadget? Odds are good that I’ve sold it at some point.

My interests include mobility, tech, politics and healthcare. This blog is where I’ll post my thoughts and opinions on those things (and more) in the hope that you and other like minded people might find it interesting. You probably won’t.

Feel free to poke around, read anything that takes your interest and feel free to leave a comment if you’ve got something you’d like to share. Thanks for swinging by!

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